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Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 months

Trey is 5 months old today!! He is growing way tooo fast!! He is laughing so hard at Jake and Will. He thinks his family is funny and a little wild and crazy. He loves his jumper he will jump so hard that the springs make this loud boing, boing, boing noise. While I was working the other night Bobby said he walked over to check on Trey and looked down and both of his feet were bleeding and blood was on the kitchen floor. He panicked and ran over to see what in the world had happened to the baby. Bobby said all he could think about was how he was going to call me up at work and tell me what had happened. However, come to find out Trey was jumping so much and on the outside of his feet his little pinkie toes were bleeding. They had been rubbed raw!! Bless his heart!! So, needless to say I have been giving him some extra loving the past few days (well I do it anyways all the time)! Can not believe it has been 5 months since he came into this world, and now I do not know what we ever did without him!!

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