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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Anywhere But Here

This was the scene in my laundry room yesterday afternoon. A sight to behold. Something I haven't seen in three years, three months and 13 days. But who's keeping track. Empty laundry baskets, my friends. That's right. All, and I mean ALL the laundry was done. As I stood there wiping the tears from my eyes and reveling in my overhwhelming sense of accomplishment, Bobby burst in the door and tossed his running clothes in the hamper.

"Oh I don't THINK so, pal," I said as I tossed them back at him.

"What are you talking about? They're dirty." And he threw them back in the nice, clean and empty basket.

"Not today they're not." And I kicked them back out.

"Have you lost your mind? What am I supposed to do with them?"

"Put them back on. The laundry room is c-l-o-s-e-d." And with that I walked out, turned out the light, shut the door and savored my job being done.

For at least 4 minutes.

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