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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How to Melt Mommy's Heart

I love the little conversations that Jake and I have these days. They can just make me smile thinking about it.

However, some days as a parent, and mom especially, you feel as though you are shoveling snow in a snow storm or treading water and only being able to keep your head above the water. It becomes the little things that matter to you.

If you overhear your child ask for something and say, "Please" or say, "Thank you" when receiving what they want it really makes you smile as a parent.

Jake and I were laying on the couch today trying to take a nap before I was suppposed to work tonight. I have to at least get a little nap before working all night long.

He was watching Stuart Little on DVD and kept moving around, flopping up and then laying down, turning from side to side, taking all the covers.... you get the picture. After about an hour of this and knowing if I didn't get to sleep soon that Will would be waking up and naptime today would only be a dream.

After the accidental elbow in the face I told Jake to please go cut the tv and dvd off we were going to lay down for a little while.

He turned everything off and returned to the couch. When he layed down he put his arm over me and whispered, "I wud you mommma."

"I love you too Jake." I replied.

I just layed there and smiled until the time that Will woke up while Jake ended up falling asleep.

It made my heart melt. That one little sentence makes the endless job of being mommy to two toddlers all the worth while.

I am still walking on cloud nine......

Bobby said I wish when I told you that I love you it made your day like Jake did today. I replied, "It does honey but you have been telling me that for about ten years now."

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