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Friday, November 30, 2007

Morning Wake Up Call

Most people are able to get up in the morning by several different ways. Some people use alarm clocks, a kiss by their spouse, breakfast in bed, or just sleep until they wake up on their own.

Not around here. My side of the bed is closest to the door so I can hear the kids and let the cats in and out during the night, etc. Lucky me huh? I get woken up each and every morning between 6:00 and 6:15 by Jake.

He stands really close to my face and says, "momma, wate up, i had stinky. I wand dia...per changed."

He will stand there until I get up and change his diaper. I go from a deep sleep to a wide awake state in about 10 seconds due to the smell of his "stinky."

Maybe I should move to the other side of the bed and let bobby get woken up with this greeting. He would probaby in his sleep just say, "ok go back to bed."

Things that make you go hmmmmmm....

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